
                機器人學(xué)研究室   水下機器人研究室
              Robotics Laboratory   Marine Robotics Department
              空間自動化技術(shù)研究室   光電信息技術(shù)研究室
              Center for Space Automation Technology & Systems   Opto-Electronic Information Technology Department
              智能檢測與裝備研究室   智能產(chǎn)線與系統(tǒng)研究室
              Intelligent Detection and Equipment Department   inteligent Production Line and System Department
              海洋機器人前沿技術(shù)中心   工業(yè)控制網(wǎng)絡(luò)與系統(tǒng)研究室
              Center for Innovation Marine Robotics   IndustriaI Control Network and System Department
              海洋信息技術(shù)裝備中心   數(shù)字工廠研究室
              Center of Marine Information Technology and Engineering   Digital Factory Department
              工藝裝備與智能機器人研究室   水下智能無人裝備研究室
              Manufacturing Equipment and Intelligent Robotics Department   Oceanic Underwater Robot Technology and Engineering Department
              綜合辦公室   黨務(wù)工作辦公室
              Offce of GeneralAffairs   Office of the Party Afairs
              重大項目管理辦公室   科技處
              Major Project Management Office   Research Administration Department
              工程項目處   科技促進發(fā)展處
              Project Management Department   Department of Science & Technology for Development
              人事教育處   財務(wù)處
              Human Resources and Education Department   Accounting Department
              條件處   基建處
              Physicai Resources Department   Infrastructure Department
              質(zhì)量管理處   保密處
              Quality Management Department   Confidentiality Department
              Supervision and Auditing Department  
              機電產(chǎn)品制造中心   文獻情報中心
              Electromechanicai Products Manufacturing Center   Center for Documentation and Information
              檢驗檢測認(rèn)證中心   信息中心
              Inspection,Testing & Certification Center   Information Center